Thursday, December 30, 2021

Sourdough starter


Day 1: 50 g flour + 50 ml water
Day 2: 50 g flour + 50 ml water
Day 3: Discard 100 g, add 100 g flour + 100 ml water
Day 4: Discard 150 g, add 100 g flour + 100 ml water
Day 5: Discard 200 g, add 150 g flour + 150 ml water
Day 6: Discard 250 g, add 200 g flour + 200 ml water

Store in fridge if not using daily. To feed, throw away half of starter and replenish with equal masses of flour and water.

Optionally, to turn this into "solid" levain: stand mixer on low speed for 6 min. Cover with plastic wrap, poke centre. Leave at room temperature for 6h then chill overnight.

When making bread, the first step involves mixing in the starter and then a long rise (~12h). You can then reserve some of the resulting risen mixture as the starter for the next session.

Some recipe options:
100% rye sourdough (Irish)
Danish (60%) rye bread with sourdough
100% rye sourdough
100% rye sourdough (German)